
Everything great and glorious begins with a belief

What’s your favorite moment of the World Cup 2002 ?

To me, it’s not Ronaldo’s golden double in the final last night, but it was the time I checked the transaction count right after the South Korea vs Germany semi-final game. I found that the transaction volume went down sharply during the game but went up again after the game. It’s the moment that I felt our services are not so high-tech but actually down-to-earth, it’s in pace with the heart-beat of people.

I have the belief that one day, all people will benefit from our services. One day they will share the same feeling of Issac Asimov – “I don’t fear computers, I fear the lack of them”.


Have you ever wonder how the football team managers like Wenger, Houllier, Ferguson, and Eriksson motivate their football players ? How they manage a not-so-fit team to win a game ? You will find the answers in this book – The 90-minute Manager: Lessons from the Dugout.

If you believe in Internet and want to survive, you have to be an expert in
some technologies – XML, XHTML, and Web services. I found the following two
books are very readable – XML, HTML, XHTML Magic and Architecting Web