Life is not fair, get used to it

There is an urban legend in Internet for years that billionaire Mr. Bill Gates spoke to a group of students about the 11 rules of life. I think whether those rules are really from Mr. Gates is not important at all, what matters is the meaning behind these.

These are the rules that I hope all students, youngsters, newbies in the job market can study carefully and learn from it. These are also the rules that explain why we believe the only way to success (and to get respected) is to work hard, extremely hard.

I can appreciate life is not easy, but life is never easy and no one promised you that in the first place (my boss always reminds me that). I also believe every one of you can overcome all your life obstacles, as long as you don’t whine about those, but keep going … don’t stop !!

“If you are going through hell, keep going.” – Winston Churchill

Here is the slide deck of the 11 rules of life.

Author: Michael Yung

Michael possessed over 30 years of experience in Information Technology with focuses on complex application development, database technologies and IT strategy. He also spent the last 20 years in Internet technology, eCommerce development / operations, web usability, computer security and Public Key Infrastructure technologies.

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